Vulture : The passenger behind did not put on safety belt eh. Where you from?
Meow : We from lion city.
Vulture : License please.
He looked at the license to ensure it is issued by lion city and returned to us without checking the photo don't match Meow's face...SUSAH
Vulture : The passenger behind did not put on safety belt eh. The passenger behind, passport please.
Stupidly handover my passport to him. He hold dearly to it and threaten us.
Vulture : Now its Raya Operation. I will issue summon and you go polis station to pay 300 dollars fine.
Meow : Tolong, tolong ... don't issue ticket. We dont have so much money with us.
Vulture : How much can you pay?
Meow : 50
Vulture not happy with the miserable amount and continue to press on.
Vulture : You go polis station to talk to my supervisor.
Meow : Tolong, tolong lah ... don't issue ticket. Tolong, tolong la.
Vulture smelled our "eagle"-ness to compromise so he returned my passport to Meow.
Vulture : ok la, you pay 100 and I issue a motorcycle illegal parking ticket and write valid motorcycle license no.
Meow hurriedly pay him and drove off while Vulture continued his operation.
Ugly Vulture....Allah will not pass him when he returns to the sky....